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Elmstead Primary School

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Year 1

Welcome to the homepage for Year 1. Here you will find lots of information relating to our class, alongside some of our fantastic work!



Our PE days for Autumn 2 are Monday (gymnastics in the hall) and Wednesday.  Please ensure your child is wearing their PE kit on both of these days. 


Phonics homework will be set every Friday. 

Maths homework will be set every other Friday and is to be completed and returned by the following Friday. 

Reading books need to be returned on a Thursday and new books will be sent home on a Friday.


See below for our Autumn Term Curriculum Overview. 

Class 1 Parent Overview Autumn 2024


We will be continuing to work hard on our writing this term, particularly focusing on using capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and conjunctions within our writing. Use the Writer's Toolkit and Common Exception Word Mat below to help you when needed.

Year 1 Writer's Toolkit

Year 1 Common Exception Words


Fancy a new reading book? Take a look at our recommended reads...

Year 1 Recommended Reads


Check out these Times Tables songs as a way to help you remember your multiplication facts!

Times Table Songs